Andrej Brumen Čop I Personally Personable: Pictures of People

temporary exhibition


17. February 202330. December 2023


Andrej Brumen Čop focuses on figurative motifs. He uses various techniques in his artwork. Mostly he works in the media of drawing, watercolour and painting, less often in printmaking. His motifs are plants, animals, people, natural and urban environments as well as various events in which he combines these elements.

The paintings of the human figure shown in this exhibition can be divided into several groups. One group consists of portraits: most of them are busts, some are half-length portraits, and some are standing, sitting or reclining. In addition, there are full-length and half-length nudes. An important group of representations are the self-portraits, of which there are many in the painter’s oeuvre, both in painting and especially in drawing. Equally extensive is the group of paintings depicting people involved in current or past events, or whom the artist has encountered through other works of art. The sitter is caught in the moment, so the painting tells and illustrates a story.


Nuša, 1991, oil on canvas, 43 x 43 cm, private property.
Dolores, 1991, oil on canvas, 43 x 43 cm.
Miha 3, 2009, oil and wax on canvas, 50 x 50 cm.

Andrej Brumen Čop (1967, Maribor) graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Ljubljana in 1993 in the class of Professor Metka Krašovec and two years later completed his specialist postgraduate studies in Painting at the same institution under the supervision of the same professor. In 1994, at the invitation of the Werkstadt Graz Gallery, he spent a study visit in Graz and the following year became a member of ZDSLU and a freelance cultural worker. In 1997, he received a scholarship to study Painting at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague for several months. In 2000, he was awarded a working scholarship for a residency in New York and in 2009, a one-month residency in Berlin. In 2001 and 2002, he was editor of Likovne besede / Artwords magazine. In addition to painting, he is also involved in book illustration and visual image production, as well as other experimental forms of artistic expression. He lives in Ljubljana and is Assistant Professor of Painting at the Faculty of Education of the University of Ljubljana as well as Head of the UL PEF Gallery.
FB Andrej Brumen Cop
IG andrejbrumencop


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